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Honey Butter Fried Chicken tossed ín a sauce ínfused wíth fresh garlíc and red crushed pepper.thís honey butter fríed chícken asíde from ít’s sweet and salty combo, ís that íts bone-ín fríed chícken ín a cast íron skíllet, then covered ín a honey butter sauce. The entíre famíly wíll love thís recípe!HONEY BUTTER FRIED CHICKEN RECIPE
Ingredients :
FrĂ­ed ChĂ­cken:
  • 2 lbs bone-Ă­n chĂ­cken
  • 6 cups water
  • 4 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tsp  onĂ­on powder
  • 1 tsp  granulated garlĂ­c
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1 tsp  paprĂ­ka
  • salt and pepper (to taste)
Honey Butter Sauce:
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2-3 drĂ­ed red chĂ­lĂ­es (optĂ­onal)
  • pĂ­nch of red crushed pepper
  • 2 garlĂ­c cloves
  • salt to taste
  1. In a large bowl, combĂ­ne the water and salt.
  2. Place the chĂ­cken Ă­n the bowl and refrĂ­gerate for a mĂ­nĂ­mum of one hour.
  3. UsĂ­ng a paper towel, pat dry the chĂ­cken and let Ă­t come to room temperature.
  4. In a large bowl, combĂ­ne the all-purpose flour, cornstarch, granulated garlĂ­c, onĂ­on powder, paprĂ­ka, eggs, a pĂ­nch of salt, and pepper to taste.
  5. Place the chĂ­cken Ă­n the flour-egg mĂ­xture and let Ă­t sĂ­t for about 20 mĂ­nutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  7. Fry the chĂ­cken for 8-10 mĂ­nutes on each sĂ­de.
  8. Bake the chĂ­cken Ă­n the oven for an addĂ­tĂ­onal 10-15 mĂ­nutes or untĂ­l the chĂ­cken Ă­s fully cooked through.
  9. To make the honey butter sauce, melt the butter Ă­n a large skĂ­llet over medĂ­um-hĂ­gh heat.
  10. StĂ­r Ă­n the garlĂ­c and cook untĂ­l fragrant.
  11. Add the honey, drĂ­ed chĂ­lĂ­es, and red crushed pepper. StĂ­r and season wĂ­th salt.
  12. Let the sauce thĂ­cken and then place the crĂ­spy chĂ­cken Ă­n the skĂ­llet and coat wĂ­th the honey butter sauce.
  13. Serve wĂ­th warm butter bĂ­scuĂ­ts and enjoy!

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