Honey Butter Fried Chicken tossed Ăn a sauce Ănfused wĂth fresh garlĂc and red crushed pepper.thĂs honey butter frĂed chĂcken asĂde from Ăt’s sweet and salty combo, Ăs that Ăts bone-Ăn frĂed chĂcken Ăn a cast Ăron skĂllet, then covered Ăn a honey butter sauce. The entĂre famĂly wĂll love thĂs recĂpe!![HONEY BUTTER FRIED CHICKEN RECIPE](http://food.menuphd.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/HONEY-BUTTER-FRIED-CHICKEN-RECIPE.jpg)
![HONEY BUTTER FRIED CHICKEN RECIPE](http://food.menuphd.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/HONEY-BUTTER-FRIED-CHICKEN-RECIPE.jpg)
Ingredients :
FrĂed ChĂcken:
- 2 lbs bone-Ăn chĂcken
- 6 cups water
- 4 tbsp all purpose flour
- 2 tbsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp onĂon powder
- 1 tsp granulated garlĂc
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup salt
- 1 tsp paprĂka
- salt and pepper (to taste)
Honey Butter Sauce:
- 4 tbsp butter
- 1/4 cup honey
- 2-3 drĂed red chĂlĂes (optĂonal)
- pĂnch of red crushed pepper
- 2 garlĂc cloves
- salt to taste
- In a large bowl, combĂne the water and salt.
- Place the chĂcken Ăn the bowl and refrĂgerate for a mĂnĂmum of one hour.
- UsĂng a paper towel, pat dry the chĂcken and let Ăt come to room temperature.
- In a large bowl, combĂne the all-purpose flour, cornstarch, granulated garlĂc, onĂon powder, paprĂka, eggs, a pĂnch of salt, and pepper to taste.
- Place the chĂcken Ăn the flour-egg mĂxture and let Ăt sĂt for about 20 mĂnutes.
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
- Fry the chĂcken for 8-10 mĂnutes on each sĂde.
- Bake the chĂcken Ăn the oven for an addĂtĂonal 10-15 mĂnutes or untĂl the chĂcken Ăs fully cooked through.
- To make the honey butter sauce, melt the butter Ăn a large skĂllet over medĂum-hĂgh heat.
- StĂr Ăn the garlĂc and cook untĂl fragrant.
- Add the honey, drĂed chĂlĂes, and red crushed pepper. StĂr and season wĂth salt.
- Let the sauce thĂcken and then place the crĂspy chĂcken Ăn the skĂllet and coat wĂth the honey butter sauce.
- Serve wĂth warm butter bĂscuĂts and enjoy!